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 Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 02:39 am UTC

Sarasota Real Estate - Florida, a buyers market

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Real estate in Sarasota, Florida is turning from a sellers market to a buyers market. Property available has increased 300% in recent months, which makes it a definite buyers market, whereas just a year ago, the opposite was true. Even as recently as last spring, it was a sellers market, with demand far outweighing available homes.

For those considering a move to the sunshine state, now is the perfect time, while sellers are lowering their prices to make that sale.

Sarasota is a growing area. For this reason, there is still good appreciation on properties, even if there is more available now than in the previous few months. With snowbird season, this surge in available properties may not remain, however. Interest rates are also favorable currently, another great incentive for the buyer. So, the Sarasota market is attractive right now for family homebuyers, as well as investors.
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Miami Real Estate Market

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The Miami area is experiencing a real estate boom with the increasing number of construction works from downtown Miami to nearby areas. The surge in the demand of real property in Miami has been attributed to pre-construction sales which allow real estate investors to have a stake in the property sans the payment of taxes.
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Craigslist and Google Alter Real Estate Purchasing

 Email Article To a Friend View Printable Version and have changed the way consumers buy real estate. There are some that believe this could alter the realtors’ functions on home selling and buying. Google is testing their new tool to sort though home listings. Craigslist home listings rose to 335,126 in March, which is triple the previous years numbers. Other services such as and and also offer free access to listings. The sites on Craigslist and Google have the potential to change the way customers search for real estate. This, in turn, is going to affect advertising dollars in other media, such as newspapers and television.
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Buyers Market is the New Trend in Real Estate

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When you check any recent news articles, you will read that the real estate market is slowing down. The banner years of 2004 and 2005 are now seeing a marked slowdown. But that isn’t all bad news. For the last two years, it has been a sellers market. Prices were skyrocketing, and sales were high, as well as appreciation values on the properties.

Many areas saw huge pre-construction sales, especially in the condo market. That trend is coming to an end. Investors are trying to sell off their properties, wanting to recoup losses, and that is flooding the market.
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$60 million Budget Surplus Result of Real Estate Boom

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General NewsOfficials said the money likely will be directed to school construction and other quality-of-life initiatives. The city is projecting a $60.6 million budget surplus this year. Baltimore's booming real estate market has left the city flush with cash.
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VN Real Estate Target of Singaporean Investors

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General NewsIn a report it says Singaporean companies working in the fields of real estate, investment consultancy, construction material production will come to Vietnam to seek business opportunities in the second week of March. The meeting between Singaporean and Vietnamese partners is scheduled for March 9 in HCM City.
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Value of Real Estate fund Wrote Down by Deutsche Bank

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General NewsThe German media had estimated a writedown of about 200-600 mln eur would be taken. Deutsche Bank AG's DB Real Estate unit has written down the value of its Grundbesitz-Invest fund by 2.4 pct, or 147 mln eur, to 37.17 eur per share as a result of weakness in the German real estate market.
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Online Real EState Company on a Slow Roll

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General NewsThe company's forecast for the current year led to a 28 percent stock-market pummeling Wednesday, as last year's booming housing market helped pump up 2005 profits at Kirkland-based HouseValues.
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Lower Interest Rates Not Improving Real Estate Sales

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General NewsLower interest rates didn’t improve the number of mortgage applications. They fell last week.
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Real Estate Slow Down Ongoing

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General NewsSo far this year, real estate sales are showing a cool down.
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